
About Us

The society has been in existence for 60 years, the inaugural meeting being held in October 1956 under the guidance of the late Mr.J.J. Bagley MA well known local historian and author, who gave the very first lecture to the society entitled Elizabeth I and the Elizabethans.

Over the years the various committees have guided the society through a series of lectures, events, and day visits which members have obviously enjoyed and which have helped to forge a friendly and happy society.

We welcome new members, visitors and students alike and hope that they enjoy being part of a friendly local group of people.

Our annual subscription entitles members to attend our series of winter lectures and take part in a series of excursions and activities during the year. Should you wish only to attend specific lectures our visitors fee is £5.00, the annual subscription is £20.00. Students are welcome to attend at no charge. For more information, or membership, please contact Pam by simply clicking  this  link.


We meet at the Four Lane Ends Mission, Skelmersdale Road, Bickerstaffe. It is 150 yards on left towards Skelmersdale from the roundabout at end of the Rainford By-pass.
Free parking is available at the rear of the hall building.
